A Hat for My Husband

I have finished my first hat for my husband. I think he looks very handsome in it and you know…. Interesting people wear hats. This hat is a midnight blue fur felt trilby with a simple leather band trim.

jeff 8 midnight felt common

Here are some photos of the process… at this point he wasn’t too sure about this whole hat thing.
jeff 1 midnight felt start

He is still uneasy about were things are going
jeff 2 midnight felt 2 pieces

The brim is being blocked using a brim block that I carved last summer in Jane Smith’s block carving class at Morley College.
Jeff 3 midnight felt brim

Jeff is tall and my original crown shape had a fairly deep crevice in the top which made the hat sit high on his head. The combination would have made riding the London Tube a little difficult. I didn’t want to carve a new crown block so it was time to do some hand shaping.  I was able to combine steam from my kitchen kettle with an egg iron in a stand (thank you Susie Hopkins), a head block, along with some tips from a great video on hand shaping a hat by Kevin from Pork Pie Hatters. It took some time but looks much better.
jeff 5 midnight felt hand shape 2

The hat is getting closer and Jeff is starting to believe that it might actually be wearable in public. There was still a significant amount of cutting, brushing, sanding and stitching to go, but I was getting excited to see the finished hat on Jeffrey.
jeff 7 midnight felt almost done

He wore his new hat to the Hidden London Underground tour we took last weekend at the Charing Cross Tube station. It was a good tour and he looked so handsome in his fur felt trilby, despite the high vis vest.
jeff 9 midnight felt hidden tour

Hatting Happiness is both of us wearing hats I’ve made. I love my green velvet 8 piece cap with hand dyed silk lining.

and remember… interesting people wear hats.

Published by


Hatter, Milliner, Adventurer, Mother, Wife, and maker of many things including this blog and podcast.

4 thoughts on “A Hat for My Husband”

    1. Hi Steve,
      How long did the hat take to make? That is an excellent question and I will need to start doing time studies to have an accurate answer. However, upon reflection, I guess it took me about a week, but it was spread over a few months. I was interrupted by working on a couple of different hats for the Worshipful Company of Felt Makers Guild and the V&A Inspired.by hat making contests. I will be doing a blog post about this in May.

      This is the kind of project that requires a bit of waiting. Put on stiffener, let it dry, get it damp, let it set for a few hours, steam the crown, let it dry, etc. The hand shaping of his crown took some time, but was wonderfully fun and rewarding. He choose a very simple trimming which went fairly quickly, but the actual sanding & brushing takes time to get a really nice finish.

      Fur felt is wonderful to work with and very nice to wear, but a couture hat does take time to make.

    1. Hi Steve,
      Why thank you, I thought he looked very handsome in his new fur felt trilby. I want to make him one with a larger brim, which I would call a fedora. However for this one I was trying to keep it fairly close to the head, so he could comfortably wear it on the Tube for the Northern line commute which can be quite a crush. Thank you for your comment. Cheers, Leanne

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